Reposted due to time wasters full pedigree Presa Canario puppies for sale
We are delighted to announce our litter of 6 healthy puppies they are 11weeks old. 4 males 2 females. all unique in their own ways, holding the best presa bloodline....
Sprocker spaniel puppies
We have a litter of 7’boys and 3 girls chocolate sprockers mum is a liver and white springer spaniel dad is a red cocker spaniel mum can be seen with...
Cane corso FCI
Outstanding pick of our litter Formentino male Both parents FCI registered and superb examples of the breed This pup is 12 weeks old had vaccs regular worming and health check...
French bulldog puppies for sale, 2 male 2 female, blue/black and fawn
A french bulldog litter of 4, fawn mother and blue black mixed father shown in pictures Lovely puppies, very energetic with no health problems. £200 deposit Puppies will be ready...
French bulldog puppies
5 beautiful French bulldogs for sale "Boys"Mum and dad is my family pet is a lovely Pups will be ready to go around 1th MarchViewings avabile any time
English Bulldog for sale
We are sadly looking to rehome our beautiful English bulldog Molly. She has a lovely calm nature, very laid back and amazing with children and other dogs. Molly is fully...
Golden retriever puppies
We are proud to announce we have 7 beautiful golden retriever pups from my girl summer. All boys healthy and beautiful. Pups are vet checked, microchipped and have had first...
French bulldog puppies
I HAVE A LITTER OF 5 PUPS FOR SALE1BOY4GIRLSKC REGISTEREDMICROCHIPPEDVACCINATIONVET HEALTH CHECKED AND WORMEDThese puppies will make ideal family pets & companions and have been handled by children and adults...
Pekingese puppy
Hi i have beautiful puppy pekingese 1 boy and 1 girlPuppy have vaccination and microchippedIs ready nowPuppy is training to nappies Eat dry and wet foodBoy is mix colorGirl is...
Pug x
I have one boy left ready in one weeks time he’s a beautiful little boy really playful