What Information Should I Ask When Buying a Puppy? Preparing for a New Puppy: What You Need to Know and Ask

The idea of adding a new puppy into your family can be overwhelming. It is important, however, that one does the right research in order to make informed decisions and be well-prepared for this lifetime commitment. When buying a puppy these are the key issues or questions to consider making sure you have a smooth process as well as an educated one.

Research and Initial Questions

Breed Research And Health Checks:

Before purchasing any dog breed, always find out if there particular illnesses they are prone to. Any decent breeder will provide replies to reasonable questions.

Questions To Ask Before Visiting:

Did you breed the puppy yourself? You must purchase puppies directly from breeders themselves.

How old are the puppies? Puppies should not leave their mother before eight weeks old.

Can I see where they live? This can help identify whether or not you’re dealing with puppy mills and promotes responsible breeding programs.

Can I meet its parents? The mother is definitely available but at times even the father or siblings may also be present.

What are their parent’s temperaments? By knowing how calm or aggressive their parents were, it helps you decide if your home is suitable for them as well.

Can I see its pedigree? This helps in checking for incestuous behavior that increases chances of genetic defects occurring.

Have both parents been health screened? In essence, it eliminates cases where genetically inherited diseases are carried forward through such breeding processes.

8.Can I get details about registration information on both the father and mother? As a result, it becomes easy to verify health tests along with other documented information concerning pedigree.

Visiting And Decision Making

Questions To Ask Before Making A Commitment:

Is there any chance that i could see all puppies that are available till now ? This will enable you choose what suits you.

Can I see its mother? It is by interacting with the puppies that you will be able to confirm if she is their mother or not.

What do you know about the temperament of the parents? This examination will help establish whether they have the qualities needed for you.

How much socialization have the puppies had? This is necessary for proper development; it refers to their interactions with other dogs and humans as well.

Is there a contract of sale? In case anything goes wrong, there should be one outlining terms and conditions thereof.

Preparing to Bring Your Puppy Home

Questions For Final Preparation:

What food is the puppy on? If required, slowly introduce new food.

Has the puppy been weaned completely? Ensure this started at around 3-4 weeks and continued until 8 weeks old.

3.Can I have information regarding its worming schedule? Ensuring deworming up-to-date records are kept always helps in such instances.

Has it been vaccinated yet? Get a copy of these details just in case you might need them someday.

5.Has he been sick recently at all in the last few weeks ? A check with a vet can then ascertain that there are no current health problems still affecting it in any way shape or form

Red Flags And Final Checks

Red Flags To Watch Out For:

Unusual behavior such as hiding away or slinking off into corners may indicate potential behavioral issues when puppies grow older. Check how healthy overall the pup looks and interacts within its environment socially

Important Paperwork And Contracts:

The breeder must issue key documents including health & vaccination cards plus registration documents among others that might be agreed upon like a comprehensive guide to new dog owners by a signed sale contract where applicable.


When you ask these questions and ensure the necessary documents and health records are in place, you increase your chances of getting a healthy puppy that will fit well into your home. Also, responsible breeders will expect and appreciate these questions because they show how dedicated you are to providing a good home.