How to Settle Down an Overstimulated Puppy? How to Calm an Overstimulated Puppy

Recognizing Overstimulation in Puppies

Puppies are cute when they are still young; however, they could be very nippy and at times behave like little devils when tired. Young dogs are easily over-stimulated just like toddlers do which can result in overtiredness. Such puppies will exhibit what we might term as cranky behavior. However, it is best not to put an anthropomorphic term on a puppy. It’s not that the behaviors shown imply the puppy’s being cranky; it rather means that may be he or she is overly stimulated and/or tired.

Common Signs of Overstimulation

An overexcited puppy may seem calm one moment, then suddenly start zoomies (uncontrollable running around in circles or back and forth), jumping, mouthing/nipping, barking, spinning around or similar weird activities. All these actions indicate a dog that has become too excited. These symptoms may also include excessive barking or whining, nipping/biting from your dog/puppy, jumping up on people, biting on leash-while you’re walking him/her-, racing around or other attention-demanding behaviors.

Creating a Relaxing Environment

Taking them to a quiet place such as their crate for sleep can help settle them down. Remove stimulating toys and turn off the lights or put a blanket over their crate. Speak calmly to your pup using hushed voices. Having a restless pup can sometimes mean having an overtired one so you need to have somewhere for your puppy to relax shortly which it confined/quiet area for sleeping purposes is crucial.It might be a crate,a playpen cordoned off by use of exercise pens,a room or area blocked off with baby gates.

The Role of Rest and Routine

All dogs need proper rest but this becomes much more crucial with puppies than any other age group. Young pups should get about 20 hours of rest daily but we need to make that happen. Discipline is required in exercise levels as it changes with age,size,breed, location and other factors such as environment. Dogs and puppies lick and chew themselves to release endorphins which make them feel good. Ensure you have enough appropriate chews and toys.

Dealing with Hyperactivity

A healthy young dog may be hyper sometimes, but it is not a cause for alarm as a few lifestyle changes can help them calm down naturally. Providing more activity at home, setting up a routine, not encouraging hyper- behavior are helpful tips for dealing with this situation. Keep calm and act like a role model.

When to Seek Professional Help

Consider consulting or hiring a dog behaviorist near you if the problem persists. Even overly stimulated dogs benefit from some training sessions though. If your pup has not responded to these methods even after integrating them into its everyday life consider visiting the vet because it might be something bigger such as anxiety.


Knowing how to manage overstimulation in your puppy will ensure they grow into well behaved happy dogs; always remember consistency and patience are key. Modeling appropriate behaviors through intentionally building rest and relaxation times into puppies’ days will help mitigate over-stimulation resulting in less frenzied pups who are much easier on everyone concerned.