Is Today National Puppy Day? National Puppy Day

Each year on March 23rd, National Puppy Day is celebrated to commemorate the unqualified love and affection that puppies bring to our lives. We beam with joy when they curl up in our laps and wiggle their little tails and of course there are screams of delight whenever we see a litter of puppies. Colleen Paige, an animal behaviorist and author first thought of this idea. She started her initiative in 2006 to make people buy puppies from shelters and not pet stores or breeders.

Puppy Maturity Understanding

Growing up too quickly are these puppies. One minute they’re passing out on your lap, the next you can’t fit them anywhere! However, at what point does a puppy stop being a puppy and become an adult dog? Puppies generally become adult dogs when they are between one and two years old. However, it is not like they wake up on their first birthday morning as grownup dogs. The process by which puppies mature varies depending on size, breed, socialization patterns etc.

National Dog Day

On August 26th people celebrate National Dog Day by promoting having dogs regardless of breeds. In addition to founding National Puppy day, Colleen Paige came up with National Dog day in 2004 as a way of highlighting animal cruelty issues and help animal organizations financially. Every year on August 26th is observed National Dog Day.Paige has also created other days for animals including “National Mutt” day among many others such as “National Wildlife” day; holidays aimed at drawing worldwide attention to animals while advocating for adoption.

Impact Of National Dog Day

There’s no better way to celebrate our furry friends than National Dog Day. You could throw them extra hugs or have a party show him how much you care about him! It’s also an excellent time for brands to engage their audience since dogs are some of the most beloved creatures on earth.National Dog Day has become more popular since its inception. In 2013, it was officially recognized as legislation in the New York State Senate.

Focusing On All Dogs

National Dog Day is an occasion for celebrating all purebred and mixed breed dogs. One of the aims of this day is to let people know that each year hundreds of dogs require save our lives. It also honors working and family dogs that serve every day to provide us comfort or save our lives. These are working dogs that risk their own lives on a daily basis, serving roles like personal protection, law enforcement, drug/bomb sniffing and seizure/cancer detection. Dogs have abilities individual humans do not have- they can smell things and carry out tasks we cannot perform.

National Pet Day

U.S. National Pet Day falls on the 11th of April, but if you own a pet, you know that there is no day without remembering your furry friend. Colleen Paige founded National Pet Day in 2006, which acts as a platform to appreciate our pets and how they can make life enjoyable. She also wanted to raise awareness about many types of pets that are still waiting in shelters for adoption.

Why We Love Our Pets

On National Pet Day, fur babies get spoiled rotten. Owners go all out to show their love and appreciation for their pets by taking them out for walks or drives, getting them treats they like best or even buying them new toys. Moreover, it is one of the best days for kids to convince their parents to buy them a pet. The celebration includes everyone with social media filled with fancy portraits of pets and cute candids.

The Takeaway

Still wondering if your puppy is an adult dog? Here’s a checklist: physically full grown, emotionally mature, responsive to training, and other dogs view and respond to them as a fellow adult dog. One way to ensure your puppy grows up into a well-adjusted adult dog is to keep them socialized throughout their puppyhood years. These include national holidays such as National Puppy Day, National Dog Day or National Pet Day which remind us of how much joy our animals bring us and why we should consider adopting from those who need homes more often than not.