How Do I Get My Puppy to Stop Eating Rocks? Why Dogs Eat Stones

There are many reasons why dogs chew on rocks, which can lead to serious health problems like intestinal blockage and choking. This behavior might be due to a medical, behavioral, or psychological problem. Pica is one of the common causes of this disorder that is linked with low levels of various nutrients in the body. Other likely causes may be internal parasites or tumors that cause diabetes. Puppies often chew on rocks because it helps them combat teething pain.

Psychological factors also come into play. For instance, dogs could chew rocks for attention-seeking, anxiety reduction or out of sheer monotony as Mindy Tusko points out “They’re going to explore their world and they’re like human babies.” In trying to understand its surroundings, a dog will use its mouth by tasting things which sometimes include stones.

How Can I Get My Dog To Stop Eating Rocks?

Training your dog is the first approach to handle this dangerous habit. It’s important that you train your dog on commands like ‘leave it’ and ‘drop it’. “Those [commands] are so highly beneficial,” says Tusko. The word ‘leave it’ should be used if you find a dog nosing around some rocks diverting its attention elsewhere. Avoid shouting at them as they can easily swallow down the rock when startled hence chocking themselves. Instead get their minds back on track by giving them toys or treats as rewards for obedience.

Giving verbal praises or physical contact can further validate positive practices whenever a dog obeys any order from you. As Tusho mentions ‘Your love and affection is a very high reward for a dog’.

Provide Your Dog with Engaging Activities

Rock chewing means keeping your pet busy in mind too; it has got nothing to do with physical activities alone.In addition, engaging your dogs mentally and physically is also key. Introducing games such as agility and herding can give them constructive channels for their energy. Canine Good Citizen (CGC) is a program that helps dogs to learn obedience basics as well as get the attention they desire.

When your dog is outside, supervise them in order to ensure that they do not pick up stones. This will keep them busy and lessen boredom which often results in rock-chewing behavior.

What To Do If Your Dog Eats Rocks

In case this habit remains persistent, you should book an appointment with your veterinary doctor. A few tests and examination can be done to rule out any underlying health issues such as deficiencies due to dietary causes or medical conditions. If there are no physical factors behind such behavior and it still occurs, hiring a professional dog trainer or animal behaviorist might be necessary. Pica and other compulsions can be addressed through specialized training.


To stop your dog from eating rocks, you need to train it, provide mental stimulation, and consult a veterinarian. Better understanding of the root causes of this problem whether it is psychological, medical or behavioural ensures more personalized interventions that are also efficient enough . By doing the right kind of training and paying attention to what we feed our pets we ensure that their lives are not only healthier but also safer life for our lovely companions..