How Can I Ease My Puppy’s Teething Pain? Painful Puppy Teething Solutions

Is there anything more thrilling than welcoming home a bounding, excited puppy? However, the phases of teething might be so disturbing. So how can you deal with teething puppies, what are the signs that a puppy is teething and how to stop a puppy from chewing shoes when teething? In this article we have composed all the recommendations for coping with teething puppies.

What is the Age When Puppies Start Teething?

The young dogs get their milk teeth quite early; they start at two weeks’ age. By around three months old, these 28 baby teeth will begin falling out to allow for a complete set of 42 adult ones. Just like human babies grow and shed teeth, it could be painful and nerve-wracking experience for the puppy.

When do Puppies get their Teeth?

The most painful period of teething your pup will experience falls within the 3-4 month range; although this can vary slightly between breeds. At this point, the gums of your little one will be hurting when his baby teeth fall off as his adult teeth hurry in. He may turn into an extra fussy little pup during that time who can be hard to handle.

Crucial Symptoms of Puppy Teething

Some symptoms show if your dog is really teething now. Irritability increasing is one major indicator of onset of teething therefore apply this awareness in dealing patiently with your upset pet. One big frustration about having a new puppy that’s also behaving like a typical “teether” is that they’ll chew up almost anything! That includes table legs, your bag or shoes and even hands feet and ankles. You’ll find out as well that when he/she has sore gums they drool much more than usual days when they are not cutting their teeth yet. It should definitely make you think if you see them pawing at themselves or rubbing their faces on floors. Your teething puppy will make a lot of noise to get your attention, especially during the night time when there’s not much else happening to keep their mind off of their mouthache. You may spot little blood spots on things that your pup has chewed.

How Do I Help a Teething Puppy?

When your poor fella is in pain due to teething, you must do everything possible so that it can be less painful and bear with its sometimes lunatic behavior. Usually, you will just have to tough it out for a couple months, but there are ways which can make the life of your pup (and yourself!) more pleasant.

Numerous Chew Toys

Just like babies, try giving some toys for chewing so that the dog can stop feeling pain. But besides giving them something to gnaw on while they’re teething, make sure there are many other toys including those designed specifically for teething as well as some others that provide different touch sensations – rotate them constantly. To double up the comfort factor, cool them down in the refrigerator or freezer before giving them to pup.

Healthy Pet Treats

Certain dog treats are good for puppies who are cutting teeth and may contain ingredients such as hemp or turkey which help soothe anxiety and soreness in puppies. Always check whether they are recommended for young dogs first before introducing any new treats and foods.

Create boundaries for chewing

Use this time to put some limits in place with your pup, such as puppy-proofing your house and starting early training around chewing and biting.

Training ‘Bite Inhibition’

When puppies are teething they will naturally bite onto anything they can put their little snouts on including your skin. Use this early stage of development to teach them bite inhibition. Firmly say “no” when they bite too hard. If they persist remove yourself from their presence. Eventually, when they learn to stop biting on command reward them with a treat.

Freezing food

Some frozen foods offer light pain relief and is distracting for puppies to chew. A frozen carrot, some tiny pieces of strawberry, banana or cucumber slices or even a plain frozen bagel would keep a nipping pup entertained and relieved for at least some time.

Feed Wet Puppy Food

If you were feeding your puppy dry food before it might be worth switching to wet puppy food while he’s teething. This will be much easier for them to munch on and is especially advised if you think your pup is eating less due to their aching gums.

How Can I Stop My Teething Puppy From Chewing Everything?

There is no more destructive time in a dog’s life than its teething stage. To prevent endless gnawing of skin, possessions and furniture have many distractions available for the pup to bite instead of these things. Stock up on chew toys, healthy treats and cold munchable stuffs- then that painful pooch should know what he has the freedom to chew upon and what he cannot.

Puppy-Proof Your House During The Teething Age

Make sure everything valuable is out of sight in your house so that it doesn’t get damaged by your puppy’s teeth. Anything you do not want the puppy to chew should be raised higher off the ground .It may involve creating ‘puppy safe’ areas full of toys ,treats and distractions; perhaps you might have to use a puppy or baby gate to secure them. With time teach commands such as ‘leave’ and ‘drop’ so that your pup knows they should keep their gnashers away from wires, table legs, furniture and the like.

What Can Help My Teething Puppy Sleep?

Like babies, puppies may howl and cry at night while teething. You can help a teething puppy sleep by following a regular sleep schedule, keeping its environment cool and peaceful, and giving it cold chewable toys similar to what it would have during the day. Avoid any unnecessary overstimulation before bed.

Although there are times when the puppy teething period may drive you crazy, take comfort in knowing that it’s only for a few months.Come on- he’ll be all grown up before you know it and you’ll miss this puppy stage! I swear!