How Can I Calm Down My Hyper Puppy? The Pleasures and Trials of Raising a Puppy

There can be no doubt that puppies bring a lot of happiness into our lives. They are too cute for words, they are an inspiration in terms of the amount of energy they possess, and their love is abundant. In return we promise to do whatever we can to look after them. To give them the best possible life and ensure you have the best possible life together, there are some preparations you should make.

Even with all this planning, there are still some other issues pertaining to having a young dog like how to make them calm down. While adorable burst of puppy energy might seem great sometimes you want to know some tricks that can help him or her settle down especially when it is bed time.

Why Do Puppies Have Trouble Calming Down at Night?

Puppies could fail to calm down at night because they did not get enough exercise during the day or it’s anxiety related condition or any other reason. Whatever your puppy’s reason for not calming down may be, having some helpful tips will aid you tremendously in helping both you and your puppy sleep.

Give Them a Space Where They Can Be Completely Relaxed

One thing that would help your puppy go to sleep is if it were able to relax completely before bed time. A place where your young dog sees restfulness will change his dream into reality. Crates come in handy when trying to put puppies out because after being crate trained successfully; these animals associate their crates with relaxation among other good feelings. Additionally, dogs feel more comfortable in such environments since crates enhance their natural denning instincts.

Allow Your Puppy to Sleep Near You, If Possible

You might notice your puppy wanting to sleep near you at nightime. In case this happens with yours, it possibly means they would suffer from separation anxiety but need you just next door so try placing its crate inside your own bedroom. This makes the puppy a lot calmer as it knows you are not going to move anywhere. Moreover, it is you who will be there with the puppy at any given period of time in the night.

Engage in Interactions that Calm for an Hour Before Bed

During the last hour or so before you and your puppy go to sleep, don’t play a toy game, take a brisk walk, chase after something or any other activities that may excite him. By this way, you will show your dog that it is time to slow down instead of revving up. Moreover, a gentle petting and massage can also be helpful. Focus on long and soft strokes through their coat in order to accomplish relaxation of their muscles.

Play Soft Music for a Relaxing Environment

Playing some relaxing music would set the right mood for rest and relaxation ahead, both with people and dogs. Even white noise can serve as one such option. To make it even more serene, one can also use scents that are soothing to their dogs.

Tire Your Puppy Out Often During the Daytime

With puppies being naturally noisy and energetic it is logical why they require extreme amounts of exercise to wear them out. Your dog will have to burn some energy through mental stimulation they get anytime you take them outside. Remember their breed, size, age, as well as energy level because all these things could help clarify things immensely.

Take Your Puppy Out to Use the Bathroom Right Before Bed

It becomes very important such that just before you retire for bed at night you should go outside as one of your final activities. However this potty break will save both of you since depending on his/her age; your puppy might have several night calls.

Have a Consistent Daytime and Nighttime Routine

A consistent routine will keep your dog happy and healthy plus provide security and confidence in him/her.Around this time they know it’s time to engage fully in play life.On the other hand,a nighttime routine involving winding down will put them into a relaxed state that allows them to fall asleep easily.

Everyone Should Sleep Tight

While managing an overly excited puppy can be difficult, a good night’s sleep for both of you is more than just about going to bed but also encompasses healthy habits and sleeping conditions that are safe and secure.